My Story

My Journey as a food photographer & food stylist.

I love capturing beautiful images of food and drink to help food brands stand out from the crowd with unique mouthwatering content…But this is only half of the story.

I have been cooking, styling, writing and generally obsessing over food for 30 years as an international food stylist.

I am now behind the lens as the photographer shooting advertising campaigns, packaging, editorials, advertorials, restaurant menus, cookbooks, food service brochures, social media feeds and anything else food related.

As an international and award-winning food stylist I have brought campaigns to life, created mouthwatering content and collaborated with world renowned food brands, supermarkets, advertising agencies, production companies, publishing houses and celebrity chefs. Link to my food styling website at the bottom

For someone that thrives on busy shoots, it’s ironic that lockdown finally gave me the opportunity to pick up my camera and start shooting myself.

Photography and food styling are two worlds that sit alongside each other, By bringing them together in my food studio in East Sussex I will be able to offer something truly different and cost effective.

With an in-depth understanding of food and a wealth of experience, I can switch seamlessly between each role.

I’m excited to work with companies large and small, with people that share my passion for food, with development chefs and clients alike.

I can style, shoot and retouch your shots with complete confidence, and call upon a trusted team of amazing food stylists, photography assistants and the re-touchers for larger shoots.

I am happy shooting in my studio or on location depending on your needs and where the food takes me.

If you are looking for new photography please get in touch, I would love to hear about your project and how we can bring it to life.

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A healthy bowl of goodness………
πŸ“Έ Me
πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ Me
🍽️ You guessed it, Me again. 
Shot for the @fnafnews cookbook that I wrote, and photographed. 
Updated website live 
#bowlofgoodness #bowlofhappiness #healthyfood #veganfood #veggie #yumfood #vibrantfoodphotography #foodphotographer #foodphotography #foodphotograph #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography #cookandshoot #shootinginmystudio #myfoodstudio #foodstudio #studiofoodphotography #cookbookphotography #cookbookphotographer #shootcookbooks #londonfoodphotographer #londonfoodphotography #kentfoodphotographer #sussexfoodphotographer #brandphotographer #foodbrandsphotography #restaurantphotography #menuphotography #onestopfoodphotography #foodbrands
Blueberry infused fluffy pancakes. 
πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ Me @robsgoodgrub 
πŸ“Έ Me @half_pint_house_studio 
#pancakes #amercanpancakes #pancakeday #shrovetuesday #sweetthings #breakfast #nomnom #sweettooth #foodphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #foodphotographer #foodphoto #foodstylingandphotography #foodstylistandphotographer #foodphotographerlondon #foodphotographersussex #foodphotographerkent #restaurantphotography #menuphotography #cookandshoot #cookstyleshoot #myfoodphotography #brandphotographer #foodbrands #socialmediaphotography
The sun is shinning and the fish is frying. 
πŸ“Έ @robsgoodgrub 
πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ @liviaabraham 
🍝 @wearezizzi 
Check out my updated website
#seabass #bass #fish #cookingfish #restaurant #restaurantphotoshoot #restaurantphotography #restaurantphotographer #menuphotoshoot #menuphotography #menushoot #foodphotography #foodphotographer #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography #foodstylingandfoodphotography #foodstudio #londonfoodphotographer #londonfoodphotography #sussexfoodphotography #kentfoodphotography #foodie #foodpic #instafoodpic #editorialfoodphotography #cookbookphotography #cookandshoot #foodbrands #brandphotography
Tapas & Cocktails. 
πŸ“Έ Me
πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ Me
🍸 Me
Crockery & Glassware @dps_tableware 
Shot in my studio @half_pint_house_studio 
#tapas #smallplates #cocktails #drinks #foodanddrinkphotography #foodphotography #foodphotographer #foodstylingandphotography #foodstylingphotography #cookandshoot #cookbookphotography #cookbookphotographer #editorialfoodphotography #shootingwithflash #myfoodstudio #foodphotographyandstyling #foodshooting #brandphotography #brandphotographer #foodbrands #restaurantphotography #menuphotography #menuphotoshoot #socialfoodphotography #ishootfood #onestopfoodphotography
Sea trout smoked mussel cream, charred onions and samphire. 
πŸ“Έ @robsgoodgrub 
πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ @mandythompsonfood 
Gorgeous 🍽️ @dps_tableware 
Shot in my studio @half_pint_house_studio 
#plated #fish #maincourse #seatrout #restaurantlife #plates #crockery #catering #foodphotography #foodanddrinkphotography #advertisingphotography #advertisingfoodphotography #advertisingfoodphotographer #editorialfoodphotography #editorialphotography #stilllifephotography #stilllifefoodphotography #platingup #poshnosh #restaurantphotography #menuphotography #menuphotoshoot #foodphoto #sussexfoodstudio #sussexfoodphotography #kentfoodphotographer #londonfoodphotographer #londonfoodphotography #cookbookphotography
#foodphotography #pizza #pizzaphotography #pizzas #foodstylingandphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #londonfoodphotographer #sussexfoodphotographer #editorialfoodphotography #kentfoodphotographer #foodstyling #pizzastyling #shootingpizza #pizzaria #brandphotography #pizzabrand #pizzapackaging #pizzatime #pizzalover
Steak & chips, fish & chips. 
πŸ“Έ That would be me
πŸ§‘β€πŸ³ Yep, me again
🍽️ Dps and styles by me
Shot in the glorious food studio @half_pint_house_studio 
#steak #steakandchips #steakfrites #meat #perfectlycookedsteak #dinner #steaknight #instasteak #meatlover #steakphotography #foodanddrinkphotography #foodphotography #phoodphotography #foodstilllife #londonfoodphotographer #londonfoodphotography #sussexfoodphotography #kentfoodphotography #ukfoodphotography #foodbrandphotography #stilllifephotography #cookandshoot #cookbookphotography #cookbooks #styleandshoot #foodstyling #foodstylingandphotography #shootinginmystudio #foodstudio